Live At Desertfest, Berlin, Germany 04-26-2013
01 Caravan *
02 Dust settlin'
03 Flat earth
04 Texas
05 ...
06 ...
07 Shivaree
08 Convoy V
09 Ode to Io
* fades in, a few seconds missing.
Please fill in the missing track titles, if you know...
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If you sell...go fucking straight to hell...
PEDER BERGSTRAND - bass, vocals
NICLAS STALFORS (?) - guitar
by Spacebandit 2013/07/10.
Rec. Info:
Zoom H2 with internal mics at WAV 16/44, taped somewhere in the crowd. Received via USB stick -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Sound was very bass heavy with a tiny little bit distortion due to the limited sound range of the internal mics used, but nothing too serious. This is a straight in your face recording!
A few pics are included as well. All thanks to LORD DIE for capturing this fine moment in music history.
Here are a few shows from this year's Desertfest in Berlin, all taped by dear LORD DIE, all with some nice pictures included. B4 you ask: There are no recording from the opening night,
as the LORD got his whole equipment confiscated while gettin' in. While we all know that live music taping here in Germany is a bit adventurous, due to the legal issues, the Desertfest
is a festival which features mostly unknown, or better "for no recording industry use and big cd sales figures" bands. Therefor I was quite surprised about what had happenend to the LORD.
Anyway, he finally got some recordings, and as Desertfest is not on the NAV list here, we like to give you some. This is more stealth than usual...
This show features a swedish band who are very well known in stoner/desertrock circles around the world. Though they only released one album, ODE TO IO, way back in 2000, their reputation
is still strong, and their one-time-only reunion shows for the Desertfest in Berlin and London were very well received by the audience (as you can hear it from the screams and hollers
cheering each song). Hope you'll like this one...SB.
Download: 309,4 MB!oY5GFQ5C!GXfNw35lPo4C9PTt7bUoIBdz3psZvGT2ImzUIKyVLWA